"The Junior Joy Givers Club is one comprised of students with varying levels of musical talent, but we all have one important set of values in common: Commitment, Community & Connection, Are you one of us?
Junior Joy Givers Club seeks to enrich the lives of everyone in our community through music and this club is based on the passion that many of our students here at Sage have for making music and the happiness that everyone shares when listening to it. Our musicians perform at local retirement homes, senior centers, sports games for national anthems, school concerts, health clinics and more! To date, we've performed over 15 concerts in the community, 8 school music concerts, and over 20 sports games.
Despite the challenges with busy schedules, our musicians have been dedicated to meeting early Tuesday and Thursday mornings to overcome these hurdles and connect through our universal passion. We have a variety of instruments featured in our club, including piano, violin, viola, cello, string and electric bass, guitar, vocals, clarinet, and we would love to add many more to our list. There are also options to perform as a soloist or in small groups besides the dedicated string orchestra. Our club is the only non-audition music club for strings on campus, and of course is welcome anyone who has a shared passion for music, or would simply like to pop in on our rehearsals!
Please contact us to learn about how to become a member or to book a performance in your community today.
With Love, Passion, and Music,
Arianna Sharifi, President ([email protected])
& The Junior Joy Givers Team
PS: Join our Remind by texting "@sagejoy" to the phone number 81010, which will allow you to receive all of our communications in just one place!
Junior Joy Givers Club seeks to enrich the lives of everyone in our community through music and this club is based on the passion that many of our students here at Sage have for making music and the happiness that everyone shares when listening to it. Our musicians perform at local retirement homes, senior centers, sports games for national anthems, school concerts, health clinics and more! To date, we've performed over 15 concerts in the community, 8 school music concerts, and over 20 sports games.
Despite the challenges with busy schedules, our musicians have been dedicated to meeting early Tuesday and Thursday mornings to overcome these hurdles and connect through our universal passion. We have a variety of instruments featured in our club, including piano, violin, viola, cello, string and electric bass, guitar, vocals, clarinet, and we would love to add many more to our list. There are also options to perform as a soloist or in small groups besides the dedicated string orchestra. Our club is the only non-audition music club for strings on campus, and of course is welcome anyone who has a shared passion for music, or would simply like to pop in on our rehearsals!
Please contact us to learn about how to become a member or to book a performance in your community today.
With Love, Passion, and Music,
Arianna Sharifi, President ([email protected])
& The Junior Joy Givers Team
PS: Join our Remind by texting "@sagejoy" to the phone number 81010, which will allow you to receive all of our communications in just one place!
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